Starfleet Personnel File.

Name: S'Teele Black

Starfleet Serial Number:  WE 1654-516.

Date of Birth: 21 July 2362

Place of Birth: Paris, France -- Earth

Life Form: 1/2 Human/ 1/2 Vulcan Male

Appearance: 5'10, 195 lbs.  Dark Brown Hair, Blue Eyes

Family: Nick Black (Father, Human, Civilian onboard USS Ragnarok.)

T'Lera (Mother, Vulcan, XO USS Ragnarok.)


S'Teele was born on the planet Earth to T'Lera and Nick Black.  For the first ten years of his life, he stayed with his uncle on Earth, and went to various military academies.  He received special training in quite a few different fields, and can almost do anything you ask him to.  His longing is to one day become a Starfleet Marine.  His uncle was in the Marine Corps and told him everyday of old battles and how the marines were victorious every time. After his stay with his uncle, his mother and father came to bring him on their travels.  For five years, he gained all of his knowledge aboard starships.  He knew what we wanted to do with his life there and then.  When he turned fifteen, his parents thought he needed a break, so he was sent to live with his uncle once again.  He stayed for a year, then returned with his parents onboard the USS Ragnarok.


S'Teele is pretty much the average 16 year old guy, although he does demonstrate higher levels of maturity because of his Vulcan background.  He inherited his strength and knowledge from his mother and his quick wittiness from his father.

Speaks both Federation Standard and Vulcan.

Service record.

SFA: Strategic Operations Course.

USS Ragnarok: Strategic Operations Cadet.