Starfleet Personnel File.
Name: Kieth Johnson
Sex: Male
Age: 29 - born 2349
Birthplace: Atlanta - Earth
Race: Human
Rank: Captain
Height: 5'10
Weight: 189lb's
Eye color: brown
Hair: Black
Mother: Lisa Johnson - 48 - Nacom - Living
Father: Keith Cortez - 45 - Starfleet - Living
Siblings: NONE
Childhood (Birth to Adulthood)
His parents were free traders, one of a dying breed so rather then grow up on one planet, or on a starship as most of his classmates did he grew up in a casual merchant vessel where he learned his command style, watching his father work with the crew.
As a youth he longed to explore the galaxy, with out worrying about such things as payroll or hiring crew so at 21 he tried to get in to Starfleet academy, and after one year of trying he was accepted.
He studied hard, and worked hard at first to fit in, then one day he was home on leave and seemed discouraged, his father gave him some advice which stuck, 'be yourself and let them underestimate you'
So he did. And it worked, his change made people think he was not as bright as them, so he was able to use this to his advantage and surprised everyone.
As a 4th year cadet he was given a post on an experimental ship, the USS Sun Tsu, where there were only 2 officers, CO and CMO the rest of the crew were NCO's, lowest rating was petty officer third class and the executive officer was a Command Master chief. He likes to say he learned more about command from Master Chief Richmond, then from all the instructors at Starfleet academy. As a cadet he watched it all and though loyal to the CO, was convinced the MC was the better officer.
Early Education: Standard education as well as what he picked up in the vessels his parents worked on
Star Fleet Academy: Major Starship operations and a minor of tactics
Star Fleet Career up to the present:
2374 - accepted into Starfleet academy
2377 - served aboard USS Sun Tsu - helm cadet 4th yr
2378 - USS Ragnarok - Marine Commanding Officer - Captain
Tends not to say much, though is not introverted. Likes to use the wait and see attitude. ie. Won a tactical exercise by lulling his opponent in to a false sense of security and then soundly thrashing him.
Hobbies: He doesn't have one particular hobby but instead enjoys trying many different activities, his current passion is art. In the past he has taken up, darts, marital arts, cooking, baking, even the Vulcan Kholinar discipline. He does read voraciously, his favorite thing is history of the US Civil war.
Special: Some times during his career he picked up a Bengal Tiger cub, which grew to 450 pounds but kept a gentle, playful kitten like demeanor. This animal can often be seen near him or exploring a new posting looking for friends to play with. He is fitted with a tracking collar which lets people know his whereabouts as required by regulation.