StarFleet Personnel File

Name: Jade Green
Age: 28
Race: Allasomorph
Gender: Unknown (looks female)
Family: Classified
Place of birth: Classified

Physical characteristics: 4ft 9in tall human female in appearance dark hair in a bob style her eyes are mauve with cat like slits in and her fingers end in claw like nails (but her appearance can change according to the situation

Metamorphic limitations, Jade can create her own wardrobe, in her transformations, and can change into any living creature, above the size of a cat and smaller than a horse but likes to add flamboyancy to whatever creature she becomes during of duty hours, but each transformation is energy expensive, staying in a form helps to preserve energy,

History: (this is the history Starfleet has released) born on Daled 4 and shipped of at birth to a training facility, for the religious section on her world, given a number rather than a name and was given full training in her transformation abilities, and of the religious beliefs of her world, further to her standard training she was taught to interact with aliens and learnt 8 different languages fluently

Federation standard, klingon, ferengi, romulan, vulcan, cardassian, orion, bajoran

Her training included three forms of martial arts, all of which she claim are similar to those found on earth, also being trained in weapons use, has good use of hand and rifle style phasers/disrupters, so by the time she was shipped off top her home world she was a warrior priestess after about a year she ran away from the priesthood, wanting to explore the galaxy and headed for Starfleet academy, but failed to enter through normal channels, but a member of intelligence spotted her, and got her through the entrance exam, and through the 4 years of basic training, then took her to the intelligence section, after a couple of field assignments she was assigned a ship, she is currently awaiting conformation of her position


Military arms, improvement of her transformation skills, shuttle craft