Starfleet Serial Number: SC 3871-265.
Date of Birth: July 19,
Place of Birth: Sheffield,
England. Earth
Life Form: Human Male.
6'3. 209lbs, Athletic
built. Black Hair, combed back. Blue eyes.
Family: David Willis (Father,
Human, deceased?). Federation ambassador to Vulcan.
Sarah Willis (Mother, Human).
Former Chief Engineer, USS Blackmane.
Alyssa Willis (Older Sister,
Human). Doctor, USS Hawk.
Elizabeth Willis (Wife, Betazoid)
Born in 2338, the Son of 2
Starfleet officers, Paul grew up learning all he could about the federation and
its place in universe. His mother was a Starfleet academy teacher until Paul was
8. At that time She transferred to the USS Blackmane as Chief Engineer.
His father was a federation
ambassador to Vulcan and didn't see his son or daughter much. Alyssa started to
grow a hatred for her father never seeing him was starting to take its toll on
her, Paul was the one that helped his sister come to terms with the fact that
their father was never around, setting aside his own feelings of hatred.
Paul tried to enter Starfleet at
the age of 16 but wasn't accepted. The next year he passed the exam with flying
colours having spent the last year brushing up. Became friends with a Security
Cadet named Remy Lebeau, the two joined a marine side course in their 2nd year.
In their 3rd year they formed a training team called Able Team.
In 2359 he got a place on the USS
El Dorado as an Ensign in the Engineering department. He served up until 2372.
When he transferred to the USS Cartagia. While aboard the Cartagia, Paul and
Remy were asked to reform Able Team. Their mission was to gain entrance to a
secret Tal Shiar base on Q'utar III and find what was going on there. Of the 10
man team they took only Paul, Remy, Carl Lyons and Mack Bolan came back alive.
Able Team was then turning into
the Cartagia's main Marine team, with Bolan in command as Paul went back to his
job as the ship's Asst. Chief Engineer.
The destruction of the Cartagia
in mid 2376 was the reason for his transfer to the USS Sovereign 6 months later.
After only few months there he tried to gain command of the ship but was beaten
to it by Commander Camrin Hothe.
In Mid 2377 Paul was able to gain
command of the USS George Washington after Admiral Dragon's short-lived
Easy to talk to and work with.
Has a lot of knowledge about Engineering. He likes his crew to work at their
best. Quick
thinking and slow to anger (Unless he needs the anger.)
Service record.
SFA: Engineering course/ Marine
side course.
Cadet Cruise: USS El Dorado
NCC-2377. Engineering Cadet.
USS El Dorado NCC-2377.
Engineering Team.
USS Cartagia NCC-65574. Asst.
Chief Engineer.
USS Sovereign NCC-2525. Chief
Engineer. (BF)
USS George Washington NCC-73073.
Commanding Officer. (BF)
Ragnarok NCC-83475. Commanding Officer. (OF)