BridgeReady Room
Main EngineeringStellar CartographyShuttlebay
HolodecksReturn to Ship

After a Turbolift ride from the shuttle bay you step out into the command center of the Ship, The bridge.

Captain Willis looks across the room at you and smiles.

"Welcome to the bridge, I'm Captain Paul Willis. Sorry i wasn't able to meet you at the shuttle bay before, i had a few things to do. Let me show you around the ship a little."




"You can see all the standard Bridge positions, CO's chair and armrest back-up Conn and OPS  panels, XO's chair and LCARS panel. The Counselor's chair and LCARS panel, Tactical, Science 1 and Science 2, Mission OPS, Environment console, and of course the Bridge Engineering console. Manning them, you see the finest crew in Obsidian Fleet."


"Next up is my ready room, follow me. Forget that Red Alert, we're just testing the system."

"Oh I almost forgot, here's the Ships Plaque. Every Ship in Starfleet has one. It's a proud moment for any Starship Captain to be given this little piece of metal."


The Top bridge Picture was kindly donated by Mike Bremer and the USS Pegasus-B